For low income women looking attending to college, there a wide array of scholarships available. Regardless of age, ethnicity, or area of study, there’s a scholarship that can be found to fit any low income woman’s needs. Of course, depending on area of study and location of the individual, there are certain scholarships targeted toward specific areas of study.
Below are a few of the best scholarships available for women with low incomes.
- Federal Grants:
Women with low income should be able to receive federal grants. One of the most common federal grants is the Pell Grant. In most cases, federal grant amounts are based on income; low income women should be able to receive an abundance of assistance through federal grants. - FAFSA:
One of the most efficient ways to find out how much assistance is available, filling out the FAFSA can yield serious results. Women in low income situations may find that the FAFSA completely covers their educational costs. - Jeanette Rankin Foundation Scholarships:
For women over the age of 35, this scholarship is designed to assist those with a low income looking to attend college. The Jeannette Rankin fund has numerous scholarships for women. The qualifications are simple: women must be over 35, have a low income, be a US citizen, and be enrolled in an accredited school. - Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation:
Catered to women with a low income, the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education offers scholarships and grants. While the Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation provides assistance to all low income women, they specialize in helping mothers. - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation offers a variety of grants and scholarships for low income minority students, including women.
In addition to the above scholarships, women with low income should be able to find numerous other scholarships. Women seeking scholarships should check with their school to see if any additional scholarships are available. In addition, some states offer more financial assistance than others; women seeking scholarships should be sure to do a thorough search. While scholarships specializing in low income women increase the chances of women with low income receiving assistance, women should understand that a variety of other types of scholarships can help them find the money they need for educational costs. No matter age, ethnicity, or financial need, a scholarship for low income women can be found with persistence and an open mind.