Scholarships For Teenage Mothers

If you are a single teenage mother that wants to get a college degree then this particular page may be of interest to you. You see, one of the hardest things to do if you are a teen mom is to come up with the necessary funds it takes to attend a college. However, today you are in luck because we are going to give you the exact steps that you need to take in order to obtain college funds to get a degree. So, lets get started!!

First Things First

The first thing you should do if you are planning on attending college is to sign up for any type of financial aid. Probably the best place to start is the financial aid that is set up by the U.S. Department of Education. You can visit their main site here: Obtain Financial Aid.

Signing up for financial aid can help you to also obtain a Pell Grant. However, you will have to talk with your school counselor to see if you meet the requirements to receive the Pell Grant.

The Next Step

The next step to gaining financial freedom is to sign up for any free scholarships that you can get your hands on. We have take the liberty of listing the best free scholarships that we could find below:

  • Scholarships For Moms- The title says it all. If you are a mother and looking to go back to school then this scholarship is for you. Visit the site and sign up to have a chance to win a free $10,000 scholarship.


You should look for any grants that specifically pertain to teenage mothers. A great place to start is to do a simple Google search and look through the top ten results. Of course, probably the best place to turn to is Project Working Mom. There you can learn all about the different scholarships that are being offered to mothers.

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