One of the hardest things to do if you are attending college is finding the right amount of funds to actually attend. It is for this reason that many women looking to go to college end up having to work.
You can imagine that things can get even more hectic if this particular working woman is a mother. Not only is she torn between school, work and her child but money can often become an issue. This is why we have created this page. Here at Scholarships For Moms we have made it our mission to help all the women that are looking to balance school, work and family. With this in mind, lets begin!!
Scholarships For Working Moms
In addition to the free scholarships listed above there are also grants designed specifically for mothers who are working. Probably the number one authority on this matter is Project Working Mom. They have handed out close to 5 million in scholarships to working parents who want to go back to school online. Chances are, if you have a question about returning to school, Project Working Mom is the place to go.
The scholarships that we have listed above are not the only ones that we are featuring. It is for this reason that we recommend that you take a good look around our site and see what else you can learn. Good luck!