If you are a mom wanting to go back to school then this page is perfect for you. Finding scholarships for moms wanting to return to school can prove to be challenging at times. However, with enough research and determination you should be able to find a number of great scholarships. Thus, it is important not to let your financial issues hold you back from obtaining a first rate college education.
The first thing we recommend to every woman who is looking to get a scholarship is to visit FAFSA and apply for financial aid. This is the easiest way to obtain financial aid if you are a mom wanting to go back to college.
Free Scholarships For Moms Going Back To College
The next thing we tell our visitors to do is search the internet for any free scholarships. There is nothing easier than taking a few seconds out of your day to enter a free drawing for a $10,000 scholarship. Here is a great one you can start with: Scholarships For Moms
Exploring Scholarships For College Bound Moms
Patsy Mink Education Foundation Scholarship- The Patsy Mink Scholarships is one that is awarded to applicants that are at least 17 years of age with children under 18. The scholarship goes for about $2000.
American Association of University Women Career Development Grants- This scholarship is designed for women who want to advance in their career. Currently this particular scholarship goes for $2,000 to $12,000.
Talbots Women’s Scholarship- The Talbots Scholarship is designed for women who are returning to school after a long absence. You have to be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to receive this scholarship. They award 10 $15,000 scholarships and 1 $30,000 scholarship.
We strongly recommend that you take a look at all the pages of our site as there is some very useful information here if you are looking to obtain a scholarship.