scholarships for single moms

Single Mom Scholarships

July 8, 2011

One of the hardest things about being a mother and going to school is the fact that there is often a money issue. It is for this reason that many single mothers are turning towards a number of different scholarships and grants to help them pay for the rising costs of college. Our job here [...]

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Scholarships For Single Mothers

January 1, 2011

Lack of funds seem to be the main reason why most single mothers cannot return to school. If you have found yourself in this very position then rest assured, you are not alone. A lot of single mothers find themselves overwhelmed by the many pressures that life can apply and as a result do not [...]

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Scholarships For Women

December 31, 2010

Insights can be misleading, but the reality never is. Even in today’s society of lay offs, job cuts and debt settlements, you must be aware that a number of people are still doing quite well. Not only are they keeping their jobs with ease, but they are also somewhat indispensable. Have you ever thought about [...]

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