Grants For Mothers

 As a mother you are eligible to apply for a number of free scholarships. Now, if you are wondering what a free scholarship is then we will take a moment to explain the whole concept. A free scholarship differs from a normal scholarship in a variety of ways.

Popular Grants For Mothers

  • Janette Rankin Foundation- This is a scholarship that is designed for single women over the age of 30. So, for our mothers who are above 30 this might be a good grant to apply for. You are required to be in a somewhat low income situation in order to receive this grant. We believe that you will be offered anywhere between $500-$2,000 if you win this grant.
  • Arkansas Single Parent Fund- If you are a single parent and you are also a resident then you should definitely sign up for this scholarship. You can even locate your county on a map and determine which single parent grant is right for you.
  • R.O.S.E.- This is a very inspirational scholarship that is offered by a non-profit organization based in New England. They offer scholarships to victims of domestic violence or teen violence. Make sure you visit their site if you have ever been in this situation.


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